Recent search
/2/tweets/search/recentReturns Tweets from the last 7 days that match a search query.
One query/rule/filter for matching Tweets. Up to 512 characters.
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ. The oldest UTC timestamp (from most recent 7 days) from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second granularity and is inclusive (i.e. 12:00:01 includes the first second of the minute).
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ. The newest, most recent UTC timestamp to which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second granularity and is exclusive (i.e. 12:00:01 excludes the first second of the minute).
Returns results with a Tweet ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
Returns results with a Tweet ID less than (that is, older than) the specified ID.
The maximum number of search results to be returned by a request.
This parameter is used to get the next 'page' of results. The value used with the parameter is pulled directly from the response provided by the API, and should not be modified.
A comma separated list of fields to expand.
A comma separated list of Tweet fields to display.
A comma separated list of User fields to display.
A comma separated list of Media fields to display.
A comma separated list of Place fields to display.
A comma separated list of Poll fields to display.